Defending against the punches now. Okay? Now, one difference that you can't go wrong
with is always keeping your hands up high. Okay? Now, once my opponent decides if he wants
to throw a jab, and I don't want the jab to penetrate my guard, I'm going to try and parry
the jab with my right hand. Okay? The hand goes down. I can come over the top. I can punch from there. Or, once he's off balance here, I have a free
kick here, or I can kick over there. If he comes with a right hand, again, parry
with the left hand. Again, body turns. Leaves him open for a right kick, or the right
punch. When he throws the left hook, as he throws
the left hook, I want to bring my arm, my right arm in close.
Okay? Covering up the side. Okay? So the punch doesn't come through and hit
the chin, and then they return back. Okay? So a little drill you can do with your partner
is they can throw across. One. Two. Okay? Again. One. Two. I'll throw a round or two, then they're going
to add in the hook. So one, two, and then keep your hand up for
the hook. Now, one more thing when they do the hook
is, as you bring your arm in to block the hook, you want to extend your left hand out. Okay.
Which is going to at times put him off of
balance. That way you can go from a defensive move
into an offensive move. So again, jab cross hook. Jab, hook. Okay. I push him out. Now, I can always step in with a punch, or
I can step in with a kick there. Okay? And that was defending the punches..