🇹🇭 1 Year visa learning Muay Thai at Chiang Mai Old Town! Thailand!

hi and welcome back to my channel i'm just packing 
at the moment i'm in chiang rai at kanika's house   and i'm back going back to chiang mai today to my 
apartment it's a three and a half hour bus journey   and i like to leave my motorbike here 
so i can explore more of chiang rai   whilst kanika is at work at school but 
in chiang mai i'm doing a one-year visa   for wai tai so i'm going to show you guys the gym 
show you how i get there show you my apartment   and life in chiang mai for myself but first 
i've got still a pass for another bike   wash so i'm gonna take my bike to be washed 
gonna finish packing and we'll go from there   here i am at my local car wash one pound seventy 
to get two washers within a week not bad is it there we go just brought it back from the 
bike wash car wash one pound 70 for two washes   it's gleaming 70 bucks bargain 
well i'm at the bus station   at chiang rai now waiting for my bus to go to 
chiang mai and look who's here gonna say hello she brought me here on the honda 
dream so that i can get on the bus   and yeah so now it's just a waiting 
game for the bus it's half free now   and the bus is meant to leave 
at half three so here's my morning it's 11 a.m here the next day and it's 
the big day i start again with my mai tai so   um i was gonna film last night when i got back 
but my apartment was a mess and i wanted some   food in an early night but now i'm here i can 
show you my apartment now i've tidied up so far i have this apartment it's about 20 minutes from   the old square of chiang mai which is where my 
muay thai is and it's it's tidy it's really tidy   i can't complain everything was new when i moved 
in from the fridge microwave here's the bathroom you know for for one year's rent everything i 
need i got a decent bed a bit of artwork and   then got some tv aircon a shelf for my right 
eye stuff so they supply their own gloves and   um shin pads at the muay thai but i did buy my 
own considering i was going to be here for a year   and then got my own hand wraps and 
essential gum shield for when i spa but   this is where i am in the evenings and then 
i've got a nice view have a look at the   my view up in this mountain they have an 
amazing temple and a whole view of the city   but you can really see the jungle vibe 
can so it's a small apartment but for   seven thousand baht 150 pounds a month to me 
it's a it's a bargain it's absolutely perfect   and considering it's all new downstairs there's 
washing machines and dryers you can use um and it   they cost about 30 baht to use so that's i've got 
my converter here to see how much that is so 30   baht for the washing machine it's 69 pence a wash 
um and then the dryer is about 20 baht 46 pence   and here in my hand i've got an old receipt for 
water and electric so for the water it cost me 80   pence for a month and for the electric i use here 
it cost me 146 baht which is three pounds thirty   now the electric is going to go up in 
the next coming months it's march now   and it is getting warmer so the aircon will 
be used at night and during the day but   let's say it doubles with the electric 
or even triples we're looking at about   we're looking at say even if it's 600 baht even 
if it's 600 baht for the month which i'll be   surprised if it is it's 13 pounds for the air 
con as well as the other things i use here so   i can't really complain it's perfect you know it's 
20 minutes walk i like to walk to my muay thai gym   just for more a bit more fitness um and yeah it's 
it's perfect for the situation i'm in for the year   so now i've shown you my apartment 
i'm gonna get a coffee get some lunch   and my mai tai is at 3 p.m today so i'll start 
walking at about half two and show you the gym another hot day it's always a challenge when 
it gets to three o'clock doing muay thai when   the weather's like this roasting so i've been doing the mai 
tai for three months now   and it doesn't get any easier but 
it definitely gets more enjoyable what's also great about my gym is the variety 
of different people that are there that's in   beginners experienced people even parents 
bring their little children i've seen   it's unbelievable but always a great 
atmosphere and the girls and boys that   i spa with are always a good laugh no one wants 
to hurt anyone or purposely get anyone injured   but you can't go swimming without 
getting wet and it is the same for   muay thai kickboxing you know you have to 
do the sparring if you want to progress   but again when you get things right it's the 
best feeling in the world um and in any sport   you have your bad days but when you have your 
good days from waitai you're absolutely buzzing   the lessons go on for an hour and a half 
they start off with a warm up then stretching   then we do get our hands wrapped then 
we do boxing drills heavy bag work   and then the last half an hour is sparring 
now for the next couple of minutes i'm going   to show you a typical routine day when i 
go to the gym for an hour and a half lesson do okay functions there we go another session done i've done 
about 35 hours now of muay day and um it's   going really well really enjoying it 
exhausted though today was 36 degrees   so perhaps tomorrow when i go i'll go for the 4 30 
some of the footage i put on this video will be uh   from all sorts of different classes from the 
three months i've been doing this but i'll be   also adding more to the channel of my progression 
with my day so hopefully you guys will enjoy   seeing my progress but if you did want to watch my 
journey from the start with my muay thai you can   be my friend on instagram it's at slim 87 
win and you can see my stories from the start   from three months ago when i first arrived here 
and you can follow my journey of my muay thai from   there instead of just the youtube videos i put on 
but you're welcome to have a look and if you guys   wanted any more information i'll put it on at the 
end of this video and you can also private message   me if you wanted to learn more about how to get 
involved like i've done anyways now's my favorite   part of the day to go home get a shower and get 
some dinner thanks for watching please like and   subscribe because i'll be adding so many more 
videos all sorts from my thailand adventure ciao

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